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Priest and King

Prophet, Fish, and Storm

The Nazarene

The Lord’s Vow to Jephthah


The Higher Realities: A Book Review of Jedidiah Paschall’s ‘The Damned May Enter’

Lucifer’s Diary, Final Entry

A Truly Conquered Enemy

Holy Fire

A Brief Christian History of the Cosmos (with Some Defense and Exposition)

That Which is Possible is Necessary

The Reclamation of Paradise

Huddling in Dusty Corners: Christian Universalism and Judgment Texts

The Good News of Christ: Eternal Torment, Annihilation, or Universal Salvation?

The Doctrine of Hell and the God of the Philosophers

The Shepherd's Servant

The Prisoner’s Poem

Will Judas be Forgiven?

As The Waters Cover The Sea

The Greatest Love

A Journey to Universal Salvation

Suan Sonna & Samuel Watkinson Part III

Are All Forced Into the Kingdom? Reading Luke 16:16 as a Theological Passive

God’s Hand & Our Free Will

Samuel Watkinson & Suan Sonna Part II

The Ballad of Judas Iscariot

How Universalism Empowers Evangelism

A Call to Beauty: How to Win the Culture War against Satan

The Phantasia

My Journey with Universal Salvation