Bread and Water

Written by
Steven HAuse
Nov 15, 2021
Steven HAuse

I am the unleavened bread
That all who seek shall find.
Sincerity and truth in me
Are perfectly combined.

I am the wellspring of life
And I can satisfy.
For anyone who comes to me
Will surely never die.

Blessed are the hungry
(And all are born that way).
Blessed are the thirsty
Who need water every day.

Anyone who stays away
Will find their hunger grow.
For I alone can satisfy;
There’s nowhere else to go.

So, in the end, all men will come—
None will be given stones.
For anyone who asks for bread
Will receive it at the throne.

Steven HAuse is an English language teacher who has lived and taught in Bolivia, Spain, and Japan. He loves learning more about different cultures, exploring theological topics, and watching all kinds of great movies.